Looking for CMOs for profit sharing contract.

Looking for CMOs for profit sharing contract.

Here is an outline of the opportunity to pass on to your officer in your brokerage house.

• This is a 40 week/payout opportunity.
• Monthly gross returns are 6.25M
• After 25% payout in fees you NET approximately 4.687M Monthly
• These payouts are done weekly so on a 4 week month you are earning approximately 1.71M per week NET.
• You must pay out 25% in fees immediately/weekly or else you future returns could be held up.

The CMO has to be delivered via DTC and of course a CMO being similar to a bearer bond by Law the title has to be delivered too. My concern would be if I owned this CMO is “how do it get the CMO back” in case the returns are not paid? The answer is there will be a “return order put in place somewhere around 10 days in duration “prior” to you sending the CMO anywhere. So in case you are not happy you can allow the order to continue to be active and have the CMO returned based on the prearranged agreement from security house to security house. When you do get paid and now know this is real then you can simply show evidence that the order s canceled in writing from your security house and you can continue to reap the benefits of the trading opportunity.

This is the mechanism in place to ensure the return of your instrument.

The next step is for me to send your package to the trading entity and they will contact you directly and there can be all the communication from security house to security house until both sides are in place. This is ready to happen once you instruct me in “writing” that you are satisfied with what I told you and are ready to move forward in discussions with the trading entity for full disclosure of all facets of this opportunity.

For more information: http://www.sblcfinancing.com

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